

作者: 爱可网 时间:2024年04月10日 来源:www.ik35.com














































  容抗XC=1/2πf c(f表示交流信号的频率,C表示电容容量)





  容量大的电容其容量值在电容上直接标明,如10 uF/16V


  字母表示法:1m=1000 uF 1P2=1.2PF 1n=1000PF

  数字表示法:一般用三位数字表示容量大小,前两位表示有效数字,第三位数字是倍率。如:102表示10×102PF=1000PF 224表示22×104PF=0.22 uF3、电容容量误差表

  表2 电容容量误差表


  允许误差 ±1% ±2% ±5% ±10% ±15% ±20%

  如:一瓷片电容为104J,表示容量为0.1 uF、误差为±5%。




  制作工艺: 2层聚丙乙烯塑料和2层金属箔交替夹杂然后捆绑而成。

  优点: 无感,高频特性好,体积较小

  缺点: 不适合做大容量,价格比较高,耐热性能较差。



  制作工艺: 2层聚乙烯塑料和2层金属箔交替夹杂然后捆绑而成。

  优点: 有感,高频特性好,体积较小



















  塑料薄膜电容器Plastic Film Capacitor

  种类 Polyester 聚乙烯

  Metallized Polyester 金属化聚乙烯

  Polystrene 聚乙脂

  电容值范围 0.001-0.47uf / 0.01-10uf / 100-10000pf

  额定电压范围 50/100/200/400V 50/100/250/400/630V 50/100/125/250/500V 容值误差范围 J, K, M / G, J, K / K(>0.01uf),M(0.01uf),M(



  Withstand Voltage 250 % Rated Voltage DC 2000V / 1Sec。DC 2000V / 1Sec。Inductive / 代号 No,PPN / PPS(Hi-Voltage)No / MP No / MPX(X2 Cap。)Across the line cap。


  薄膜物理学实验报告| | 薄膜干涉实验报告

  实验 1、旋涂法制备薄膜 1、实验原理旋涂法利用仪器高速旋转时产生的离心力使基片上的胶液由中心向 4 周均匀分散而构成致密薄膜。实验用到的原料需要提早制备且 1 般为溶液,实验上常见的是使用溶胶-凝胶法作为薄膜材料的之辈手段,本次实验是使用现成的或制备较为简单的溶液。

  2、材料准备(1)实验原料:面粉、鸡蛋清、3 级水(2)溶液制备称取适当的面粉放置烧杯中,加入 50mL3 级水,搅拌均匀,得到面粉胶体溶液;在烧杯中加入适当的鸡蛋清,加入适当 3 级水,搅拌均匀,得到鸡蛋清胶体溶液。



  实验 2、提拉法制备薄膜 1、实验原理浸渍提拉法是将全部洗净的基板浸入预先制备好的溶胶当中,然后以精准控制的均匀速度将基板安稳地从溶胶中提拉出来,在粘度和重力作用下基板表面构成 1 层均匀的液膜,紧接着溶剂迅速蒸发,因而附着在基板表面的溶胶迅速凝胶化构成 1 层凝胶膜。

  2、材料准备(1)实验原料:面粉、鸡蛋清、3 级水(2)溶液制备称取适当的面粉放置烧杯中,加入 50mL3 级水,搅拌均匀,得到面粉胶体溶液;在烧杯中加入适当的鸡蛋清,加入适当 3 级水,搅拌


  3、实验进程将配置好的面粉清导入小烧杯;打开镀膜提拉电机源,取 1 块干净的载玻片用夹具夹住其 1/3 处;设置提拉机参数,提拉速度设置为 20mm/min,提拉高度 60mm,浸渍速度为 20mm/min,浸渍时间 30s 镀膜次数设置为 4 次,镀膜间隔 30s,点击“开始”按钮,开始镀膜;镀膜完成后取下载玻片,放到显微镜下视察。将面粉清换成液体胶,重复上述进程,取得液体胶薄膜。

  最后将旋涂法及提拉法取得的薄膜基片放到烘箱 60℃烘干 1 个小时取出,得到薄膜样品。

  实验 3、层层自组装法制备薄膜 1、实验原理层层自组装是利用逐层交替沉积的方法,借助各层份子间的弱相互作用(如静电引力、氢键、配位键等),使层与层自发地缔和构成结构完全、性能稳定、具有某种特定功能的份子聚集体或超份子结构的进程。

  2、材料准备(1)实验原料:VB2、胶水、3 级水(2)实验仪器:傅里叶红外光谱仪、载玻片、烘干机、烧杯、玻璃棒(3)VB2 加入适当 3 级水调制成 VB2 溶液;胶水加入适当 3 级水制成胶体溶液。

  3、实验进程(1)将载玻片放入傅里叶红外仪丈量吸收光谱;(2)将载玻片浸渍在 VB2 溶液中,取出,用烘干机缓慢烘干溶液,进行(1)进程;(3)将载玻片浸渍在聚乙烯醇溶液中,取出,用烘干机缓慢烘干溶液,进行(1)进程;(4)交替进行(2)(3)进程,以到达层层自组装的目的。

  4、层层自组装实验数据处理及结果分析数据处理利用 Excel 处理合成,由下图 15 层薄膜的图象可以看出,以空白组作为对照,发现第 1 层 VB2 和第 2 层曲线和其他层有很大不同,且这两组曲线有 1部份显现负吸光度,推测这是由于份子排列散乱致使薄膜未成型。从

  第 3 层开始,我们可以明显看到随着薄膜层数增加,吸光度显现线性增长的趋势。根据朗伯—比尔定律,在同 1 组分下,各组分吸光度具有加和性,即这与实验取得图象比较符合。图象分析我们可以看到在360nm 到 530nm 出出现 1 个矮宽峰,说明该组装薄膜主要吸收该范围的光,此范围后吸光度逐步降落。从曲线看,谱线不是特别平滑,有些许小尖峰(这里排除 Abs1、2),我猜想是份子振动引发微扰,产生噪声,终究致使谱线出现小尖峰。

  图 1 层层自组装图象图 2VB2 图象图 3 液体胶图象视察图 2,在波数为 880 处薄膜的透过率随着镀膜层数的增加而提高,其他波数范围均为镀膜层数越多,薄膜透过率越低,说明制得的该薄膜对有波长约为 10mm 左右的远红外线有良好的透过性。



  班级:机械工程专硕1班 学号:6160805020 姓名:程帅




  对于液膜沿倾斜壁或垂直管壁向下流动的情形,从实验上观察到三种不同的流动状态:当Re=4T/v1000~2000,流动呈波动性剧烈的紊流。在工业应用的雷诺数范围内,降膜呈现出非常不规则的波动表面。对于波峰高度是底层厚度两倍以上,且其周围存在至少一个波长长度的平坦部分的波,称之为孤立波,如图1所示。它起始于粘性底层,具有陡峭的波前和相对平缓的波后,在波后逐渐没入粘性底层。对于波幅是其底层厚度2}5倍的大波,其携带着大部分流动质量,对波内、波与壁面、波与外界的传热传质速率,起着明显的控制作用。一般说来,界面处的波动会在膜内、特别是 在接近界面处将产生良好的混合。实验测量表明,紊流对动量传递的影响与波动的影响相比要小一些。

  (a)波峰高度/底层厚度=2.8(b)波峰高度/底层厚度=3.68 图1不同波峰高度/底层厚度比下的流动特性,R=600





  首先,理论研究方面,液膜表面波动具有三维特征,在传热特性的理论研究中,通常假设液膜为二维流动,且表面无波动和界面切应力保持不变,这与实际的三维波动液膜表面和沿流动方向不断减小的切应力存在一定的差距;而且,影响传热特性的因素种类繁多,如何从理论上进一步完善物理模型有待探讨。其次,实验研究方面,目前所得液膜厚度和传热特性实验关联式间相差较大,实验数据 相对缺乏,建立合理的简化的物理模型或寻求适合工程应用的实验关联式,这也值得进一步深入研究。





  新型薄膜覆盖材料的研究和开发是我国设施农业的重要研究方向。根据我国的国情,为满足市场需求,本文在国内首次提出采用日产的明净华涂层薄膜作为我国设施农业的保温覆盖材料。基于材料本身多方面优异性能,研究其在国内设施农业方面的应用前景。通过对新型薄膜覆盖材料的性能分析及其应用效果的研究,在理论和实践两方面加以验证。理论上推论出其具有良好的保温效果,并在后面的应用效果中得到证实。在应用效果上,只对棚内种植番茄 2 的叶数、株高、茎粗、产量、果实等进行了测试和比较分析,作物生长受到光照、温度、水分、肥料、空气等影响。实验在尽量保持温、光、水、肥等基本一致的条件下对作物生长进行对比,在作物的生长阶段里可以较明显的看出日产的明净华涂层膜下的作物长势好、产量高、品质好等华盾棚膜次之。总之,日产的明净华涂层膜在环境特性、光学特性及应用效果等各方面都具有较好的性能,基本上满足市场的需求,为解决目前我国设施农业存在的问题提出一种新的解决方法。

  薄膜流涎机是生产包装薄膜的主要生产设备。随着国民经济的高速发展,人们对包装薄膜的需求越来越旺盛,要求也越来越高,这就促使薄膜流涎机生产企业必须高效、高质量地开发、生产符合客户要求的薄膜流涎机。薄膜流涎机模块化参数化设计技术研究,就是利用当前最先进的模块化设计技术并结合参数化CAD设计技术解决薄膜流涎机快速开发设计的问题,提高企业竞争力。现如今的设计,首先对薄膜流涎机模块化参数化设计进行了需求分析,在此基础上,制定了适合薄膜流涎机模块化参数化设计系统的总体方案,并搭建了薄膜流涎机模块化参数化设计系统的框架;然后根据模块化设计的基本原则和方法,并结合薄膜流涎机的功能以及自身结构特点,建立了以固定模块、通用模块和一般模块为基本单元模块,以功能模块为高级单元模块的层次分明的模块结构体系,建立了基本的三维模块库;根据薄膜流涎机自身零部件设计的要求和特点,提出了适合其零部件的参数化设计方法,并以薄膜流涎机收卷机为例,详细介绍了收卷机中各个零部件的参数化设计计算流程,完成了收卷机的参数化设计计算;最后以Visual Basic为二次开发工具,利用SolidWorks的二次开发技术并结合Access数据库,开发出了薄膜流涎机收卷机参数化设计系统。经实例运行可知,此系统可以快速实现收卷机的三维建模,提高设计效率,有较强的实际应用价值。


  A new approximate analytical technique to address for non-linear problems, namely Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method(OHAM)is proposed and has been applied to thin film flow of a fourth grade fluid down a vertical cylinder。This approach however, does not depend upon any small/large parameters in comparison to other perturbation method。This method provides a convenient way to control the convergence of approximation series and allows adjustment of convergence regions where necessary。The series solution has been developed and the recurrence relations are given explicitly。The results reveal that the proposed method is very accurate, effective and easy to use。the unsteady thin film flow of a fourth grade fluid over a moving and oscillating vertical belt。The problem is modeled in terms of non-nonlinear partial differential equations with some physical conditions。Both problems of lift and drainage are studied。Two different techniques namely the adomian decomposition method(ADM)and the optimal homotopy asymptotic method(OHAM)are used for finding the analytical solutions。These solutions are compared and found in excellent agreement。For the physical analysis of the problem, graphical results are provided and discussed for various embedded flow parameters。The thermally activated flux flow effect has been studied in epitaxial FeSe 0.6 Te 0.4 thin film grown by a PLD method through the electrical resistivity measurement under various magnetic fields for B //c and B //ab。The results showed that the thermally activated flux flow effect is well described by the nonlinear temperature-dependent activation energy。The evaluated apparent activation energy U 0(B)is one order larger than the reported results and showed the double-linearity in both magnetic field directions。Furthermore, the FeSe 0.6 Te 0.4 thin film shows the anisotropy of 5.6 near T c and 2D-like superconducting behavior in thermally activated 3 flux flow region。In addition, the vortex glass transition and the temperature dependence of the high critical fields were determined。We report the design methodology of thin film capacitor(TFC)device using thermal evaporation technique for quality study or material differentiation application by testing with liquid(different concentration)and solid。A simple and special modification was incorporated in thermal evaporation setup for depositing semi cylindrical capacitor design on a capillary tube(CT)。In order to avoid the disturbance due to electrostatic noise disturbance, TFC was covered with another glass tube, aluminum(Al)metal foil(as shield)and finally by plastic tube cover。Electrodes were taken from the film using silvers paste and connected as input to the LCR-Z meter。The capacitance value of the thin film was varied up to 15-16 pF from the initial value(Al: 129 pF, Cu: 130 pF)when subjected to the static flow。A low cost embedded micro controller module with Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)was developed for the real time testing of TFC。We present results of a numerical study of turbulent droplet-laden channel flow with phase transition。Previous studies of the same system did not take into account the presence of gravity。Here, we do so introducing a thin film of water at the bottom wall and permitting droplets to fall into and merge with it。We treat the carrier phase with the Eulerian approach。Each droplet is considered separately in the Lagrangian formulation, adopting the point-particle approximation。We maintain the film thickness constant by draining water from the bottom wall to compensate for(a)the droplets that fall onto the film and(b)evaporation/condensation。We also maintain on average the total mass of water in the channel by inserting new droplets at the top wall to compensate for the water that has been drained from the bottom wall。We analyze the behavior of the statistically averaged gas and droplet quantities focusing on the heat exchange between the two phases。We increase(a)the initial droplet diameter keeping the same initial droplet volume fraction and(b)the initial number of droplets in the channel keeping their diameter the same。In both parameter studies we find that droplets grow less than in the reference case。In case(a)this is explained by the larger velocity with which they travel to the bottom wall and in case(b)by the lower rate of condensation of vapor due to the presence of neighboring droplets。And we presents an investigation for unsteady MHD flow and radiation heat transfer of a nanofluid in a finite thin film over stretching surface in which the effects of heat generation, thermophoresis and Brownian motion are taken into account。Boundary layer governing differential equations are formulated and reduced into a set of ordinary differential equations by suitable similarity transformations。Solutions are obtained numerically and some interesting results are found。Results show that the film thickness decreases monotonically with unsteady parameter and the magnetic parameter increase but increases with the power law index number m。The temperature profile decreases while the nanoparticle volume fraction increases as the thermophoresis parameter increases。More effects of involved parameters on velocity, temperature and concentration fields are graphically presented and analyzed in detail。Electrophoretic deposition(EPD)of colloidal nanocrystals(NCs)under flow is explored as a general method for the fabrication of semiconducting thin films。For photovoltaic applications, a low process voltage is highly desirable to avoid damaging the accreting semiconductor。Here we report a continuous flow reactor design that can operate at reduced voltage compared to a traditional batch reactor while preserving the electrophoretic velocity of the NCs by utilizing narrow electrode spacing。In a batch reactor, the low ratio of reactor volume to electrode surface area dictated by such a narrow spacing of the electrodes would impose a limit on the mass of nanocrystals that are resident in the reactor and therefore the thickness of the films that can be deposited。By continuously flowing the colloidal dispersion of NCs this limitation is obviated and thick films can be deposited。Through modeling and experiment we demonstrate the process parameters necessary to completely utilize the NCs in the feed solution, thereby achieving nearly 100% atom economy in the deposition process。The reactor design is compatible with large area substrates and is specifically designed to enable continuous, high-rate fabrication of the active layer of photovoltaic cells。The approach to calculating a new form of the exact analytic solution of thin film fluid flows rests upon a sequence of transformations including the modification of the classic technique due to Scipione del Ferro and Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia。Next the authors establish a lemma that justifies the new expression of the exact analytic solution for thin film fluid flows of fourth-grade fluids。Second, the authors apply a modification of the systematic ADM to quickly and easily calculate the sequence of analytic approximate solutions for this strongly nonlinear model of thin film flow of fourth-grade fluids。The ADM has been previously demonstrated to be eminently practical with widespread applicability to frontier problems arising in scientific and engineering applications。Herein, the authors seek to establish the relative merits of the ADM in the context of the thin film flows of fourth-grade fluids。;The ADM is shown to closely agree with the new expression of the exact analytic solution。The authors have calculated the error remainder functions and the maximal error remainder parameters in the error analysis to corroborate the solutions。The error analysis demonstrates the rapid rate of convergence and that we can approximate the exact solution as closely as we please;furthermore the rate of convergence is shown to be approximately exponential, and thus only a low-stage approximation will be adequate for engineering simulations as previously documented in the literature。;This paper presents an accurate work for solving thin film flows of fourth-grade fluids。The authors have compared the approximate analytic solutions by the ADM with the new expression of the exact analytic solution for this strongly nonlinear model。The authors commend this technique for more complex thin film fluid flow models。Evaporation in a thin film induces pronounced temperature gradient and surface tension gradient along the liquid-vapor interface and in turn engenders thermocapillary flow。This study aims to investigate the fluid flow characteristics attributed to the thermocapillarity in an evaporating thin liquid film of polar and nonpolar liquids。A numerical steady-flow model is derived based on the fundamental principles of fluid flow and heat transfer by applying the long-wave evolution technique。To scrutinize the underlying physical transport phenomena associated with the significance of thermocapillary effect in an evaporating thin liquid film, we investigate the hydrodynamic characteristics of thermocapillary convection which is typically characterized by the recirculation flow patterns。The two-dimensional recirculation flow patterns in different excess-temperature regimes are analyzed and a critical turning point at where the flow is reversed due to the thermocapillary action can be identified。Compared to other working fluids, water depicts a unique thermocapillary flow characteristic where its flow lines manifests in the form of swirls along the liquid-vapor interface。The normal and the shear stress distributions further provide a clearer picture on the strength of thermocapillarity to identify the manifestation of thermocapillary flow。The analysis of flow patterns and hydrodynamic behaviors of evaporating thin liquid films provide essential insights in discerning the occurrence of thermocapillary flow as well as the significance of thermocapillarity in polar and nonpolar liquids。The purpose of this paper is to study the thin film flow of a fourth grade fluid subject to slip conditions in order to understand its velocity profile。Design/methodology/approach。An exact expression for flow velocity is derived in terms of hyperbolic sine functions。The practical usage of the exact flow velocity is restrictive as it involves very complicated integrals。Therefore, an approximate solution is also derived using a Galerkin finite element method and numerical error analysis is performed。Findings – The behavior of fluid velocity with respect to various flow parameters is discussed。The results are not restrictive to small values of flow parameters unlike those obtained earlier using homotopy analysis method and homotopy perturbation method。Originality/value – An approximate solution based on finite element technique is derived。总结




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